Sustainably-sourced coffins and caskets for environmentally friendly funerals
As people become increasingly conscious of their collective impact on the environment, so too has there been a rise in demand for funerals that minimise ecological damage.
Our range of environmentally friendly caskets provides three choices for those who wish for their funeral, or that of their loved one, to reflect the social responsibility they observed in life.
The Willow Coffin
UK-made, with a traditional carpentered and woven construction that uses no other energy than that of its craftsperson maker, our willow coffins are elegant, tailor-made creations, every inch as presentable as their conventional counterparts.
Willow is known to decompose more quickly than the materials used in standard coffins, meaning this casket represents an ideal blend of stately good looks and ecological credibility.

The Bamboo Coffins
Using purpose-grown bamboo, cultivated on farms that are specially licensed by the Chinese government, our bamboo coffins represent a third, sustainable solution for those who wish to arrange a funeral with minimal effect on the environment.
The species of bamboo used is not eaten by pandas, and the facility that manufactures the coffins is responsibly managed and employs only adult staff.
These coffins are fully biodegradable and decompose at a faster rate than traditional materials.